FRESH START 8 week Weight loss and Wellness Program (USA)

What FRESH START is all about:

Eating healthy is not about following a cookie-cutter diet.

It is not about counting calories because it’s near impossible to do that accurately - and not all calories are created equal!

What I teach is about 'sculpting' a diet that's right for you and your unique body chemistry.

(Many who come to me are able to eat the same foods! They just need help to tweak the balance and timing to open the 'wellness spring' and 'flood gates' to fat loss.)

Eating healthy is about being aware of what you are eating, how you are feeling, and making conscious choices repeatedly.

People who develop a healthy relationship with their bodies, food, and fitness have built the skills - through practice - that allow them to be mindful, pay attention to their emotions, and tune into their body’s signals.

The skill of “listening to your body and learning what works for you” — is just that, a skill. And, with practice, can be developed and improved upon.

As Benjamin Franklin said, “there are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one’s self.”

Extremes such as 'cookie-cutter meal plans' and 'restrictive diets' and 'cheat days' take the thinking out of the game.

And they fail because they are not sustainable.

Being mindful of what you eat, getting the right balance of protein, carb, and fat at each meal and snack, and how that relates to how you feel, takes practice. But when you hit this correct balance for your specific body chemistry, it is not about willpower anymore. Instead, you will automatically gravitate towards foods that work for you and get you lasting results.

The more you balance your body chemistry and the food that fuels it – eating well and moving more does begin to become automated and an easy lifestyle.

My FRESH START 8-week Nutrition Weight Loss Program is meant to teach you how to eat well as a lifestyle.

You start off with a customized food design appointment with me and then daily Food Diary Analysis throughout the entire program. By the end, you will know which foods to eat

You will learn:

  • How to create a clear, goal-driven nutrition plan that works for YOU and that you can immediately put into action.

In this program, you will receive - 

  • Appt 1 - 1 x 1-hour exclusive Food Design appointment with Vicki
    • Specific custom design of the program for you with your personalized information - body composition, inches, schedule, and exercise details.
    • Video conferencing 1-hour one-on-one with me live.
    • You will learn what time to eat each meal and
      snack, how much protein, carb, and fat required (portions) for each meal and snack, and what each protein, carb, and fat will be.
    • We will workshop this together so you are happy with everything, it is easy and streamlines with the foods you like to eat.
  • Appt 2 - 1 x Email appointment 1 week after the Food Design appointment 
    • Structured email appointments asking questions and giving information.
    • Ensuring the eating plan principles have been understood and executed correctly and
    • Ensuring the correct balance of Protein, Carbs, and Fat and timing of food is being carried
      out effectively.
    • Adjustments of the program and troubleshooting where necessary.
    • Cleansing - including Cleansing eManual and QuickStart Cleansing Guide. Why cleanse,
      how, and what to cleanse with?
  • Unlimited email support to ask questions and gain feedback.
  • Weekly metrics analysis - body composition and inches with comments and feedback.
  • Food Diary analysis each day with comments and feedback.
  • Membership to Member’s Area for the duration of the 8-week program. Recipes, Meal ideas, Snack ideas, Resources and tools, Forum/Community.

8 Modules

--> GET STARTED HERE - Food Design Appointment


The Food Design appointment is 1 hour and is conducted via video conferencing with me, Vicki. We will run through and design every meal and snack to suit you, your lifestyle, food preferences, and body chemistry. It also teaches you the design method so you can be flexible, get variety, and do it anywhere, anytime, anyplace. 

Fullscript - supplements

Fullscript ordering

WEEK 1 - EMAIL appointment & Cleansing

A chance to follow up on your week and troubleshoot as well as run through the next Phase - Cleansing!

WEEK 1 to 8 - Metrics and Food Diary analysis

Be sure to send over your Metrics Tracker each week for analysis and any adjustments necessary to optimize results. 

Please send Food Diaries Daily for analysis and comment! This also helps me to help adjust your plan to suit your unique body chemistry best. 

Dining out & Blow Out Protocol

Find out how to perfectly sculpt your eating when dining out or in social settings. 

Reading Labels

Reading labels sets you up for long term success. Find out in this module. 

Food Swaps and Alternatives

To help you expand your food options, take a look at the Getting Started Shopping list and great food swaps.

Modules for this product 8

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 FRESH START 8 week Weight Loss and Wellness Program
 $ 513.80 USD

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